How to Build Your Emotional Resilience Muscle Sep 07, 2022

Warning - this made me cry when I wrote it...

As many of you know, I love to swim in the North Sea – every day, if I can. Once my body adapts to the shock of cold water, something magical happens. For me, it feels like a kind of ‘surrender’ to the present moment; I am forced to...

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Your Purpose Enables You to Become a Better Person Mar 01, 2022

If you think that finding your purpose will allow you to kick back and relax, then think again. You’ll still have to navigate the ups and downs of life, it’s just that you’ll have purpose as your rocket fuel to turbo charge through difficulties and enable you to make the...

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Will You Live with Purpose Today? Feb 22, 2022

We all know that helping others is a good thing, right? We’ve heard about the ‘helper’s high’, when acts of kindness provide a pay-off to the giver as much as to the one being given to. But did you know that making a positive difference to others is also the hallmark of a...

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The Second Thing You Need to Know to Live a Purpose-Driven Life Feb 15, 2022

This is the second in a series of 5 blog posts to be released weekly, where I will introduce you to the 5 Components of Purpose to help you identify your own purpose in each key area of your life. If you missed the first post where I outlined the first component of purpose, you can access it HERE...

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How to Discover Purpose in Every Area of Your Life. Feb 08, 2022

Clarity of purpose is critical if you want to thrive in your career, as a parent, partner or friend. In fact, research now tells us that without clarity of purpose, we are unlikely to flourish or fulfil our personal potential.

 I used to think of purpose as a vague, esoteric concept....

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8 Tips to Make Your Self-Care Habits Stick This Year Jan 07, 2022

I’ve literally been sent to Coventry this week (to do some judicial training). It’s a great opportunity for me to meet some wonderful people that I have had the privilege of working with for many years, as well as some new faces attending the training. Within an hour of catching up...

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Are You Solving The Right Problem? Dec 14, 2021

Paul Smith taught me the power of accepting your reality, no matter how hard it is. By the time I met him, he was in the advanced stages of Motor Neurone Disease, a condition that occurs when nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord stop working properly. He could no longer brush his own teeth...

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Do You Still Play? Dec 14, 2021

I ran into breath-stoppingly cold, crashing waves at a deserted Coldingham Bay on Sunday. Mind you, it was blustery and wet, so I wasn’t surprised that right-minded people would be elsewhere. I was on a dopamine and serotonin-boosting quest, and it delivered both in joyful bursts. I...

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How can you be comfortable, even when you're in an uncomfortable position? Nov 29, 2021

This week’s thriving tip is inspired by Poppy Cleall, English Rugby Union player, following her team’s astounding 56-15 victory over opponents, New Zealand during the Six Nations tournament. To be honest, I am not a Rugby Union fan, but Poppy’s passion for the game and her...

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Do You Care Less When Youโ€™re Connecting Remotely? Nov 02, 2021

Jaap Bressers taught me what it means to care, and to show it too. His story begins on a Portuguese beach. He was lying face down in the ocean. Moments earlier, he had sloshed through the shallows into the sea; relishing the warmth of the sun on his skin despite the cool water that now reached...

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Why Not Be More Scientific About Your Life? Oct 26, 2021

The four-minute mile barrier stood for decades. Experts believed the feat could be achieved only in perfect weather — 68 degrees and no wind, and on a hard, dry clay track. But Bannister did it on a wet track in cold weather.

Just 46 days after Bannister’s success, John Landy, an...

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Three Ways to Thrive Through Winter Oct 18, 2021


Three Ways to Thrive Through Winter

There's no denying that Autumn is here. The beautiful gold, russet and umber flashes on the trees and bushes mark her arrival, before the wind whips them bare. I’m taken by surprise every year at just how quickly the mornings shrink, and the...

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